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Advertise your Business Here

Advertise your Business Here


If you would like to advertise on the Business Centres website there are 4 options:

1. Standard listing -display your company details for FREE

2. Sponsor listing - display your company details for £99.00 per annum

3. Premium listing - display a banner advert with logo that clicks straight to your     website from the Business Centres homepage.

    Small Banner 7.48cm X 5.75cm - £25.00 per week
     PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT £15.00 per week

    Large Banner 7.48cm X 9.45cm - £50.00 per week
    PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT £25.00 per week

4. Featured Space - display a picture and description / details

    Featured Banner 15.7cm X 5.72cm - - £25.00 per week
    PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT £15.00 per week

Advertise your Business Here

Specialist land sales agents
& Planning consultants